Spectators are very welcome to visit us during the competition. Food and drink is available to purchase from our on-site cafe. If you’re not familiar with the airfield, please read the directions and safety notes below.
Organised Tours
If you’re an aviation enthusiast and would like a closer look at the many gliders from across the UK, then please come and visit us for a guided tour during the competition. We will publish the dates for our grid tours before the competition.
Please note that due to varying weather conditions, we cannot guarantee that the gliders will be on the grid during the organised tours. If you’re unsure, you can look at the club’s webcams or call Competition Control on 01285 702102 to check if flying is planned.
We may also be able to host tours on other days during the competition. Please email [email protected] or call us to find out more.
We ask that each tour visitor donates £5 to our nominated charities for this year’s competition, the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity and Launchpoint. Click here to find out more about GWAAC, and click here to find out more about Launchpoint.
We’re easy to find, on the A419, midway between Stroud and Cirencester. If you are using sat nav please use the postcode GL6 8HX to get to the eastern entrance gate, as there is no access to the airfield from the western side. To gain access to the airfield press the call button on the keypad to speak to security. Tell them you are visiting the gliding club and they will let you in. When you arrive on the airfield please keep to the perimeter road and make your way to the control tower.
Important Notes
- Keep children and dogs under close supervision at all times.
- Do not walk or drive on the runways or grass areas unless accompanied by a competition official.
- Keep a good lookout at all times as aircraft may land on any part of the airfield from any direction. Once committed to land, gliders may be unable to avoid you!
- Do not approach the propellers of powered aircraft even when the engine is off.
- Do not touch any aircraft without the pilot’s permission.
- Most motor insurance policies do not cover vehicles when on an airfield. The club cannot accept responsibility for any accident or incident involving visitors’ motor vehicles.
Visiting by Air
Visiting by air during the competition may be possible subject to prior arrangement. Aston Down is a busy gliding site and a specific briefing is therefore required for aircraft visiting us during the competition. Please contact the Competition Director for PPR and an airfield briefing before making plans to visit us by air.